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Saturday, 5 November 2011

"Lips of a Sinner..."

yesterday I had a party with all my closest friends. It was a beautiful occasion. We watched 2 different versions of Alice in Wonderland (1999 BBC T.V version and Disney's coloured version) which I loved (yes, I live a hard-core life. Don't judge me..)

Later on I opened my presents and one of my Friend wrote me a poem; about me!
It was beautiful and I love it! That's why I'm posting it here because I wanted you guys to see it too :) The beginning bit is about me, but the rest I'm not sure. I guess it all goes down to personal taste, but I still love it!

Lips of a Sinner
She'll pass you in the street,
Not a second glance,
She's quick on her feet
She won't hear you if you say hello,
She's all plugged in and ready to go,
Chocolate eyes full of fortitude,
She'll probably bump into you,
But she'll say sorry,
She's clumsy, not rude.
She'll be gone in a flash,
But you won't forget her.
You can't forget a face like that.
She had the eyes of a priest
But the lips of a sinner,
Her cheeks were rouged
Her eyes were a glimmer
But if you were to look into them,
They are not from this world.
Far too wise, and noble,
 For a 16 year old girl.
I have a theory,
That she's a lonely goddess
Sent from the heavens,
A human novice. 

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